Monday, October 15, 2018

Flatcon 2018 Warhammer 40k

Flatcon went off again with a better year this year, in Bloomington Illinois.  Some of our Events are captured below! With 68 Table top Gamers total over 3 days we featured Combat Patrol, 40k RTT, ShadeSpire, Guildball, Kill Team, and Age of Sigmar.  Thanks to, Red Raccoon Games, Kromlech, Miniwargaming, Spellcrow Studios, Miniature Market, Hidden Forrest Gaming,, and much more...  The Con had approx. 500+ gamers which was a 10% increase over the previous year.  Our thoughts are to continue with 32 player events and expand into more.  We made 4 new 40k tables, 6 kill team tables, and 2 new Age of Sigmar Tables.  Thanks to all the volunteers that made this happen.

40k Judge Laying Rules out for our Saturday Event!
Some Marines heading into the Kromlech Skargluk Ork Base

Marines Guarding the Drop Zone Landing Pads from the enemy

Knights being attacked by the Green Waaagh!

Top 4 winners form the Tournament

22+ players and great fun!
Some Kill Team Action at Flatcon

Guildball players playing no holds bar!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Flatcon 2018 Terrain Table 1

Flatcon 2018

My selection of paints in order to form the table below! Started with dark primer, grey spraypaint, then highlighted grey and white.  I then used boltgun metal spray and then highlighted with metallics.  I then dirtied the metal with brown spraypaint in spots and streeked silver off of edges.  I then went back over certain areas with yellow spray and used a hand cut out stencil to make all the hazard symbols.  Lastly before sealing with flat and varnish seals I went back over some of the yellow areas with brown spray.  

One week doing the steps above andusing plenty of ventilation of course.

Table top view and one of our Flatcon tables.  Thank you to to for donating all of the Skargluk terrain!

Flatcon 2018 Midwest Event!

Flatcon 2018

Well its been awhile since I posted, about 3 years, but I haven't taken any type of break.  I have been busy with Age of Sigmar 1 and 2.  More specifically I have been painting up Stormcast! Stormcast from the Original boxed set, then a Vanguard army and more recently in the Summer of 2018 Souls Wars.  As you could see on my feed (
But next is a large local event called Flatcon! Check out its Central Illinois's Largest Non-For Profit Relay for Life in Mclean County.

Flatcon in 2018 features 3 Great New 40k Events Combat Patrol, 40k RTT, and Kill Team events happening Friday, Saturday, and Sunday October 12th-14th 2018.

We have been working with several vendors to make this happen; such as,,, SpellCrow Miniatures, Hidden Forrest Gaming,, Avatars of War,, and Red Raccoon Games in Bloomington, Illinois. If you have time in your schedule to join us please consider!

Registration is on search Flatcon.