Monday, March 16, 2015

Adepticon 2015 display: Talabheim and The Mountain Stronghold

Warhammer Display: The Mines Beneath the City

May, 2014 I began the dwarf cave construction.  Its 2 16"x20" displays side by side. Each area is cut to fit. An Arachnarok so 4 giant spiders could fit in each of the cave holes.  The bridges fit a 5" Wide unit and the height of the entire board is approx. 24"

This is a close up of the interior of the cave display area.

After much deliberation I decided to make an additional 16x40 above ground castle display for either another Dwarf area or possibly an Empire Army.

I used layers of Foam Board to Stagger the height in a rough outline, filled the gaps with sprayfoam that dried overnight.  I then simply cut out the sprayfoam, gapfiller, to make it level and then started, again, another layer of spackle.  The blocks you see are from HobbyLobby they are a brick building set for Egyptian pyramids.

Warhammer Display: The Fortifications of Talabheim

This is a view of the castle with several layers of spakle, cork lining all areas where troops could fit and sand on some base layers.

A view of the inside of the castle and the mine entrance under the main part of the castle.  I tried to incorporate stairs and several rooms in the castle.

I think I went through 2 cans of spraypaint primer.

Several layers of dirt and grey.  I then use a spray bottle with diluted black paint to achieve a wash effect and let it dry for 2 days before applying more highlights and drybrushing.

The lower Version of the Dwarfs Caves

A all encompassing view

Another view from an angle

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Haflings: Cardinal Monstrous Cavalry

Well found a couple birds at a local Dollar Store and figured they may be used for some Monstrous Cavalry.  Well they size up to demigryphs and have motion sensors so they can chirp away all game!

Ended up making 15+ Monstrous Cavalry bases a few of which are for the models below.

Yup found these comparable models at the dollar store.  They have motion sensors in them and chirp, perfect for a tournament!  Can't wait to bring them and have some fun.  Converted with Halfling riders on the back and my usual war bases.

Hobby Update through Jan of 2015

This is a very brief post and update for the winter please enjoy a lot more to come with Adepticon 2015 in just 1 week in Chicago, Illinois.

Monstrous Infantry Bases for blight kings, minotaurs,  and chaos ogres for my current Chaos Legion army out of the Glotkin Book.
My finished Blightkings and Nurgle Chaos Ogres 12 total

This is a WiP of a Minotaur Character with a Giant Axe from another Demon Kit.  Then the large left handed axe is from the bloodthirster model I had laying around.

This guy ended up being very top heavy but its almost finished just a little bit of weathering to go!

A rear picture, I didn't do any male anatomical parts, figuring the cheeks are enough.