Saturday, September 8, 2012

Chaos Dwarf Display Board.

I started out with a 16x20 board cut to fit a picture frame. I then set the units where I thought they would naturally go on a battle-line. With a limited space and trying to fit one piece of terrain I found myself squeezing everything in on all sides. After finally realizing it may not all fit, especially at 3,000 points I just set them on the board. The first photo shows several units being in place and movement trays being covered by foil, otherwise my models minds might be read.
Another layer of plaster is added during stage 2, probably the hardest thing is making sure that everything lines up because its a mess chiseling it out later.
Basing of Black primer, Scorched brown, and Red gor
Stage 1 Final layers of blazing orange and golden yellow.
Stage 2 with final layers of paint touches of golden yellow.
Final Product, only some touchups to do.
after looking at the board through these lined up photos I am thinking we might need to add more golden yellow/blazing orange it sure looks orange. Additionally, I have etched out more slots for the movement trays, recoated the entire base with more golden yellow and will have to get final display pictures out but for now this is what we have! enjoy.

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